Power BI Performance Analysis

How can you find the cause of slow performance issues in Power BI? This post demonstrates some of the advanced tools you can you to test slowing performing queries and to do deep troubleshooting and performance analysis in your data models. Using the new Performance Analyzer in the Power BI Desktop May 2019 release, finding the cause of slowly-performing reports is easy.

The Performance Analyzer allows you to see the time it takes to run DAX queries for each visual and slicer on a report page. It also shows how long it takes to render the visual and for “other” activities such as web service calls and waiting for other blocking visual queries. After viewing the timings for each visual, you can export all the results to a JSON file for comparison and trend analysis.

The Performance Analyzer will be my first step for analyzing report performance. DAX Studio has several advanced features that are useful for performing deep analysis, troubleshooting and DAX measure development. It is a tool that requires more investment and some advanced knowledge to get beyond the surface of simple issues, but has more advance query tracing, development and problem-solving features.

Tell me about your experience. Please post your comments about your experience using the Performance Analyzer. What other techniques and tools are you using to find and troubleshoot performance?

Paul Turley

Paul Turley

Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Principal Consultant for 3Cloud Solutions Specializing in Business Intelligence, SQL Server solutions, Power BI, Analysis Services & Reporting Services.

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