Deploying applications on CDP Operational Database (COD)

Deploying applications on CDP Operational Database (COD)

CDP Operational Database Experience (COD) is a PaaS offering on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). COD enables you to create a new operational database with a few clicks and auto-scales based on your workload.

Behind the scenes, COD automatically manages cluster deployment and configuration, reducing overheads related to setting up new database instances.  Additionally, auto-scaling eliminates the need to size a cluster for your workloads.

You can access COD from the Cloudera CDP console:

In this blog post, we’ll look at edge nodes. What are they, why are they required and how to configure and access them to run applications.

What is an edge node?

CDP has a private IP space and leverages Kerberos to ensure security. In order to deploy applications, customers need to create what is known as an “edge node”.  An edge node is a resource dedicated to access private computing resources on CDP Public Cloud. You must configure an edge node in your public cloud environment if you use the Apache HBase Java API or the Apache Phoenix thick JDBC client. On the other hand, applications that use Python, ODBC, or the Phoenix Query Server server do not need to deploy on an edge node.

Why use an edge node? 

If you have enabled a public endpoint access gateway while creating your environment, you can access your COD instance from outside the public cloud. But, if you use a private subnet in your environment, you must configure a VPN for your client applications to access your COD instance using an edge node.

You can configure an edge node in one of the following ways:

  • Simple/Automated: Cloudera provides a template that can be easily configured to be used as an edge node and manages it. It is deployed locally to an SDX environment.
  • Manual: Configure a dedicated edge node in your public cloud

Create an edge node

The edge node is a one-node dedicated Data Hub cluster that enables you to communicate with your CDP Operational Database (COD) instance and your applications. You can deploy a Data Hub cluster that works as an edge node to access your COD instance. Deploy the edge node Data Hub cluster in the same environment as the COD instance to ensure that the security groups and data ingress rules that apply to the COD instance must also apply to the edge node.

  1. From the Cloudera Management Console, click Data Hub Clusters.
  2. Click Create Data Hub.
  3. In the Selected Environment with running Data Lake drop-down list, select the same environment used by your COD instance.
  4. Select the Cluster Definition.
  5. In the Cluster Definition drop-down list, select the [***RUNTIME VERSION***] COD Edge Node for [***CLOUD PROVIDER NAME***].

    For example, select the 7.2.10 COD Edge Node for AWS cluster template.
    select the 7.2.10 COD Edge Node for AWS cluster template

  6. In the Cluster Name field, provide a cluster name that you can identify later as an edge node of a specific COD instance.
  7. Click Provision Cluster.

After you deploy the edge node, you can run your applications on this edge node using the Client connectivity information. See how to compile applications for COD in Compile an application for your database.

Get client connectivity information 

Use the connectivity tab to get information about the URL or HBase client configuration that you require to access your COD instance. 

You can download the HBase client tarball that contains the JAR files used to connect to your database. The HBase client tarball contains the necessary scripts and JAR files that you need to connect your database when using interactive tools such as HBase Shell or SQLLine.

For more information, see Client connectivity information | CDP Public Cloud

Compile an application

Once you have created your application and a database using CDP Operational Database (COD), you have to compile your application for your database.

For more information about compiling an application, see Compile an application | CDP Public Cloud

And, see the Run your application section in the Sample applications for Cloudera Operational Database – Cloudera Blog post to try out a sample application with COD


It is easy to deploy applications that use COD on a Cloudera managed edge node. If you would like  to try out sample applications, please see our recent blog post where we covered this in detail. 

Liliana Kadar
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