Custom Modules for #AzureML

Have you seen the custom modules for AzureML yet?

One neat custom module that I’ve been using is the Create Scatterplot module, which uses ggplot2 and R in order to create a scatterplot. It’s possible to do this in AzureML already but it takes a few extra steps, and it is good to be able to reduce clicks in doing activities where possible.

It is useful for identifying outliers, which has been one of my areas of investigation in the current Data Science project that I’m currently leading.

How do you use custom modules?

  • Open the sample experiment in AzureML Studio
  • Add the module to a project so it is accessible to all of the experiments in the project
  • When you next open your experiment, you will see a new module group on the left hand side, called Custom. The Custom module will be in it.

And that’s it! You can now use the module in your experiment.

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