1-Minute Data Storytelling Lessons

Is it possible to explore the core concepts of data storytelling over your lunch break? You bet.

We have offered our complete collection of data storytelling lessons for free (available here). But if you don’t have a few spare hours, you might want to check out our sampling platter of mini-lessons. We’ve transformed many of these lessons into one-minute-ish videos that will let you taste the appetizers before you dig into the main course.

Below is a quick tour of the sections. Be sure to check out the full playlist to access all the 1-minute lessons.

1) Chart Parts and Types

Our first lessons offer a foundational understanding of how to design a good chart and how to pick the right chart type.

2) Visual Design

How do you present data to maximize engagement and understanding? We cover topics from color and contrast to typography and chartjunk.

3) Data Storytelling Fundaments

Next, we teach the mindset of effective data storytellers. What can we learn from traditional storytelling? What type of data story are you creating?

4) Narrative Flow and Building your Story

Finally, we help you create a flow and narrative that carries your audience from introduction to actionable insights.

I hope these videos whet your appetite for more data storytelling goodness. If you want more, get our Complete Guide to Data Storytelling PDF, and start applying your skills with Juicebox.