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How DataOps Is Transforming Data Management Practices

Updated Apr 11, 2018, 01:38pm EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

By Randy Bean

NewVantage Partners 2018 Big Data Executive Survey, demonstrates that culture and organizational impediments are leading barriers to harnessing Big Data. Over half of executives surveyed reported that organizational impediments are preventing the realization of broad business adoption of Big Data initiatives. Yet, 69.4% of those same respondents indicated that building a data-driven culture is a huge priority, and 48.3% envision the long term role of the CDO as supporting innovation and building a data-driven culture. With nearly 44% of firms investing more than $50 million into big data projects in the six years we’ve been running the survey, it’s clear that enterprises are embracing Big Data even as their employees may not be.

So why are organizations seemingly resisting the changes that are so clearly mandated? It might be a culture failure. I spoke with Andy Palmer, a serial entrepreneur who is founder and CEO of TAMR, a next-generation data curation company, and was formerly a founder of Vertica, and former CIO at Infinity Pharmaceuticals. Palmer notes, “In every deployment that we have observed with Global 2000 companies, overcoming internal politics and human behavior with regards to data is orders of magnitude more complex than the technology implementations themselves”.

Data should be a shared asset, but many companies struggle to treat it as such. Data transcends traditional organizational structures and lines of business, and managers find it difficult to reconcile its governance against traditional business structures. It is not uncommon for data management projects to digress into organizational turf battles. This lack of sharing can result in many different versions of reality, where managers compete to promote their own. When data users don’t trust the data or each other, it’s hard to unlock value.

The Emergence of DataOps

Emerging technology providers think that they’ve found a path forward for building trust through a discipline called Data Operations, or “DataOps.” TAMR’s Palmer has been a pioneer in the field of DataOps, which he describes as “the framework of tools and culture that allow data engineering organizations to deliver rapid, comprehensive and curated data to their users”. He continues, “DataOps enable users to help curate and correct data when they consume it by providing feedback from the point of consumption”. By engaging users in the process and facilitating their feedback to improve data quality, organizations allow data engineers, data stewards, managers and business users to work together to drive transformational analytic outcomes.

In his 2015 article, From DevOps and DataOps, Palmer explains how the concept of DataOps borrows heavily from the DevOps movement which transformed the way many internet and SaaS companies build and release software. By focusing on the people, processes, and tools used to build, test, and release software, these companies were able to achieve a level of feature velocity that left many of their competitors in the dust. DevOps methodology engages the customers of the software early and often in the design process, iterating quickly and increasing the utility and adoption of the eventual releases. DataOps aims to do the same when it comes to delivering analytic velocity for end users in the enterprise using agile data management practices. Palmer notes that as with DevOps, there are a series of both open source and proprietary software projects that are enabling DataOps, including AirFlow, Flink, Beam, Sqoop, Flume and Anaconda. Innovative companies in the DataOps ecosystem include Astronomer, Streamsets, Tamr, DataKitchen, Immuta and Alation.

DataOps projects start with an analytic outcome in mind, and then focus on unlocking value from across data sources and lines of business, enabling users to quickly build analytics that they need. Focusing on analytic outcomes, rather than tools, helps cut through politics and get employees on the same page. DataOps firms recognize that the process and tools they offer need to help build and reinforce a data-driven culture; and must involve consumer earlier in the process to help define the desired analytics. Finally, they also give users ownership in the process, and when a user spots something in the data that isn’t quite right, they can flag it and that information is transferred back to the data models themselves.

Collaborative Benefits

Traditional approaches to data engineering don’t have mechanisms to allow users to easily provide feedback on data quality from the point of data consumption -- be it spreadsheets, reports or visualization tools. Palmer notes that, “DataOps allows end users to help curate data, and this bi-directional flow allows users to feel engaged in the process and more confident in the results”. If a user sees the benefit from the unified data they are consuming, they are more likely to offer up their own spreadsheets and databases to be included. Palmer concludes, “By engaging end users often, it’s less likely a user will discard an entire an report or visualization when they encounter an error; instead; they’ll want to (and know how) to help fix the upstream issue”.

DataOps vendors believe in automating the menial jobs associated with cleaning data and harness the powers of people to tackle the more complicated chores. As GlaxoSmithKline’s digital transformation showed, a DataOps mentality can make big projects happen faster and with less pain than anticipated. The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

If Big Data projects aren’t yielding returns fast enough, or at all, the answer might not be the technology stack, but people’s mindsets. Managers would be well served to approach their projects with an eye towards improving buy-in and adoption from users. Spending less time thinking about technology, and more time addressing people and cultural issues may help organizations deliver data that users will use, and result in meaningful returns from their Big Data investments.

Randy Bean is an industry thought-leader and author, and CEO of NewVantage Partners, a strategic advisory and management consulting firm which he founded in 2001.  He is a contributor to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and The Wall Street Journal. You can contact him at and follow him at @RandyBeanNVP.