Wed.May 22, 2024

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Where to Go Next in Your Data Career


We are all looking for the right opportunities in our career. In the landscape of data-related careers, the roles can be grouped into classes, and future opportunities tend to follow natural migration paths between the class groups.

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Microsoft Phi-3: From Language to Vision, this New AI Model is Transforming AI

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Microsoft has pushed the boundaries with its latest AI offerings, the Phi-3 family of models. These compact yet mighty models were unveiled at the recent Microsoft Build 2024 conference and promise to deliver exceptional AI performance across diverse applications. The family includes the bite-sized Phi-3-mini, the slightly larger Phi-3-small, the midrange Phi-3-medium, and the […] The post Microsoft Phi-3: From Language to Vision, this New AI Model is Transforming AI appeared

Modeling 292

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Where’s the ROI for AI? CIOs struggle to find it

CIO Business Intelligence

Finding the return on investment for AI remains elusive for many organizations, even as they rush to adopt the technology. Difficulties estimating or demonstrating the value of AI technologies to the business have been or will be a top barrier to their implementation, according to a recent Gartner survey of more than 700 IT leaders at organizations that have adopted or plan to adopt AI.

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Let’s Build a Script Generator using Generative AI

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Have you ever wondered about how the characters of your favourite web series lived after the end of the series? If yes, then this blog will assist you in building a script generator that will generate a script for a new episode. Our model will be trained on the scripts of all the episodes […] The post Let’s Build a Script Generator using Generative AI appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Big tech companies commit to new safety practices for AI

CIO Business Intelligence

Sixteen big users and creators of artificial intelligence (AI) technology — including heavy hitters such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Meta, and OpenAI — have signed up to the Frontier AI Safety Commitments, a new set of safety guidelines and development outcomes for the technology. They revealed the commitments on Tuesday, as two days of talks on AI were set to begin at the AI Seoul Summit in Korea.

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Build an AI Research Assistant Using CrewAI and Composio

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction With every iteration of the LLM development, we are nearing the age of AI agents. An age where AI agents are deeply integrated into software workflows, handling the majority of tasks, from automating personal productivity tasks like scheduling meetings and managing emails to providing personalized reminders and organizing daily to-do lists.

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Explore Dual3D – An Innovative Diffusion Model for Text-to-3D Model Generation

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction The world of 3D generation has just made huge progress with the introduction of Dual3D. This new framework efficiently transforms text descriptions into high-quality 3D assets in just a minute. In the field of text-to-3D creation, Dual3D sets a new benchmark with its dual-mode multi-view latent diffusion model. This article explains the development of […] The post Explore Dual3D – An Innovative Diffusion Model for Text-to-3D Model Generation appeared first on Analytics V

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Download our enterprise architecture (EA) tools buyer’s guide

CIO Business Intelligence

In the beginning, no one needed enterprise architecture (EA) tools. The back of an envelope would do in the early years. The modern enterprise, however, is much different. It needs EA tools.

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Leveraging MongoDB Atlas Vector Search for Semantic Search and RAG

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Did you know that MongoDB Atlas now provides powerful vector search capabilities? Yes, it now lets you perform semantic search on your data and implement retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for large language model (LLM) applications. By integrating Atlas Vector Search with popular frameworks like LangChain, LlamaIndex, and client libraries, you can easily build advanced natural […] The post Leveraging MongoDB Atlas Vector Search for Semantic Search and RAG appeared first on

Modeling 248
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Introducing blueprint discovery and other UI enhancements for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

AWS Big Data

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed serverless pipeline that allows you to ingest, filter, transform, enrich, and route data to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain or Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection. OpenSearch Ingestion is capable of ingesting data from a wide variety of sources and has a rich ecosystem of built-in processors to take care of your most complex data transformation needs.

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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DataHack Summit 2024: The Ultimate GenAI Event of the Year

Analytics Vidhya

With all the anticipation and news surrounding AI advancements, we’re excited to announce the 5th edition of our much-anticipated GenAI event of the year. Yes, the DataHack Summit is coming this August, bigger and better than ever before. The recent trend is that there isn’t a day that goes by without some new development in […] The post DataHack Summit 2024: The Ultimate GenAI Event of the Year appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Cómo reducir la tensión entre el CIO y el CISO

CIO Business Intelligence

Los directores de sistemas de información (CIO, en sus siglas en inglés) y los directores de sistemas de seguridad (CISO) operan en entornos muy estresantes que, en ocasiones, pueden provocar una tensión adicional en su relación, alejándoles de la consecución de resultados óptimos. En mi propia carrera, he sido CIO y CISO, así que tengo experiencia de primera mano con este tema desde ambas perspectivas.

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Chart Snapshot: Demers Cartograms

The Data Visualisation Catalogue

Also knowns as a Levasseur Cartogram, Square Cartogram. A Demers Cartogram is a Cartogram variation where each geographical region is represented by a square, with the area of the square proportional to the data value being visualised geographically. The organisation of the squares is loosely based on the original topology to avoid any overlapping. A Demers Cartogram aims to reduce the gaps between adjacent squares compared to Dorling Cartograms (which use circles instead) — this helps to provid

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Download our enterprise architecture (EA) tools buyer’s guide

CIO Business Intelligence

In the beginning, no one needed enterprise architecture (EA) tools. The back of an envelope would do in the early years. The modern enterprise, however, is much different. It needs EA tools.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Le EU Data Act – Quelles conséquences pour vous et votre entreprise ?

Martha Bennett

Le Data Act est un règlement, ce qui signifie qu'il a désormais force de loi dans tous les pays de l'UE et que des amendements spécifiques à chaque pays ne sont pas autorisés.

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Los sectores más expuestos a la IA quintuplican su productividad

CIO Business Intelligence

La inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa se ha convertido en una palanca para impulsar la productividad en las organizaciones. Lo constata el Barómetro global de la IA sobre el empleo 2024 firmado por PwC; y es que los sectores más expuestos a la citada tecnología prácticamente multiplican por cinco su productividad. Además, según el informe referido, los trabajadores con estas capacidades tecnológicas específicas reciben unos salarios hasta un 25% superiores.

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Embracing Automation in Dataiku With Scenarios


Even in 2024, many data teams still spend time on data pipeline tasks that could be automated. In fact, Accenture estimates that 76% of a U.S. worker’s tasks could be reinvented by combining new technologies and new ways of working. From rebuilding datasets from upstream data changes to retraining machine learning (ML) models when drift occurs, repetitive tasks still plague data teams.

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CSO30 Awards: Introducing the top 30 security leaders in the UAE

CIO Business Intelligence

In a world where digital threats loom large, cybersecurity leadership has become paramount. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with its burgeoning digital landscape, is no exception. Recognizing the crucial role of cybersecurity leaders in safeguarding the nation’s digital infrastructure, the first edition of the CSO30 Awards recently took place in Dubai, showcasing the cream of the crop in the field.

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How To Get Promoted In Product Management

Speaker: John Mansour

If you're looking to advance your career in product management, there are more options than just climbing the management ladder. Join our upcoming webinar to learn about highly rewarding career paths that don't involve management responsibilities. We'll cover both career tracks and provide tips on how to position yourself for success in the one that's right for you.

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Paving the way for sustainability: The Digital Product Passport

CONTACT Software

Have you ever wondered what information lies behind the products that shape our daily lives? From smartphones to food packaging, the Digital Product Passport (DPP) aims to show at first glance where a product comes from, how it was manufactured, whether and how it can be repaired.

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Il grande ritorno del cloud privato. Grazie all’IA

CIO Business Intelligence

I fornitori di cloud privato potrebbero essere tra i principali beneficiari dell’attuale corsa all’oro dell’IA generativa [in inglese] , in quanto, un tempo apparentemente in favore del cloud pubblico, i CIO stanno dando una seconda occhiata ai cloud privati, sia on-premises che ospitati da un partner. Al centro di questo cambiamento c’è la crescente consapevolezza che per supportare i carichi di lavoro dell’intelligenza artificiale e contenere i costi, le aziende a lungo termine si orienteranno

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AI search and RAG at Microsoft Build 2024 – what does this mean for businesses?

Jen Stirrup

In this blog post about Microsoft Build 2024, I will focus on AI Search and RAG modelling. The Microsoft Build Conference, which will take place from May 21 to 23, 2024 , is a platform for Microsoft to unveil a range of innovations and announcements. These developments aim to revolutionize efficiency, elevate customer experiences, and foster groundbreaking innovations in various industries.

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“Íbamos a hacer una transformación TI, pero nos dimos cuenta de que requeríamos una del organigrama de la compañía”

CIO Business Intelligence

El camino hacia la nube no es uno fácil, está lleno de obstáculos y llegar a buen puerto requiere de una estrategia a largo plazo bien pensada. Ese fue el foco de las conversaciones que tuvieron lugar en el Cloud & Infrastructure Forum 2024 , organizado por IDC y Foundry con el patrocinio de DE-CIX, que se llevó a cabo el pasado 21 de mayo en Madrid.

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How Embedded Analytics Gets You to Market Faster with a SAAS Offering

Start-ups & SMBs launching products quickly must bundle dashboards, reports, & self-service analytics into apps. Customers expect rapid value from your product (time-to-value), data security, and access to advanced capabilities. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) tools can provide valuable data analysis capabilities, but they have a barrier to entry that can stop small and midsize businesses from capitalizing on them.

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PagerDuty seeks to ease incident response with generative AI

CIO Business Intelligence

PagerDuty on Wednesday announced enhancements to its Operations Cloud incident response (IR) platform aimed at accelerating response and remediation when IT issues arise. The new capabilities include features aimed at analyzing cyber events and interacting with IR teams in conversational English in real-time. “We typically see time to acknowledge [an incident] at about 45 minutes to an hour.

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Is Vietnam the next source for CIO inspiration?

CIO Business Intelligence

For CIOs seeking new sources of innovation and support in a rapidly globalizing commercial scene, regions that used to be too remote are now going toe to toe with the more established dominant players. The days when the US, Europe, and other countries like India, Japan, and Israel were the only countries of choice are fading. What we see today are cities, conurbations, countries, and regions everywhere bidding to make their own Silicon Valley-style hubs, manufacturing nexuses, services operation